Simple Document Sign Off - Part 8 - Managing Document Sign Off.

Document Sign Off Center

The Document Sign Off Center is a SharePoint webpart page that contains a view of the sign offs for each user. This page allows individual users to keep track of the documents they have signed off on:

Each document the user has signed off on is listed in alphabetical order, and clicking the right arrow beside each document name reveals the details about that sign off, when it was done, what version was signed off on, and a quick link back to the document for easy cross reference.


Just a reminder that the permissions for this library are not standard inherited permissions, refer back to the section of this article that creates this list if you have not yet modified the permissions. You do not have to filter by user for the end user view due to these permissions.

Major Version

End users are only interested in the major version associated with a document, as this is the only document they can see (major versions are published versions, visible to all read only users). So we want to trim the version field we have created to one that only displays the major version. Do this by adding a calculated field to your sign off list called "Major Version". Enter in this formula:


Change the data type returned to "number", and change the number of decimal places to 0. This will display only the major versions.

User View

We only want to reveal to the end user information that they need, and in a way that they can easily use it. This is done by setting up a new list view in SharePoint. Group by document name, and show document name, major version, document link, document_read_flag, Created and Created by. This will give you the information shown in the view above.

Web Part Page

Create a new web part page and add your list filtered by the view just created to that page. Remove the toolbar (toolbar type, no toolbar). Then create a new content web part above the list view, or add the content above the webpart if you have a webpart page that directly allows content entry. Your page should end up looking like the one above.

Document Sign Off Management

The Document Sign Off Management page is used by document owners and other administrators of this system that need to keep overall track of system sign offs. This page displays user sign offs grouped by user, so that each users sign offs are listed below their name:


The document sign off manager user must have site owner or greater permissions. It can be done with individual permissions on each list for the sign off manager, but it is easier to manage overall this way.

Manager View

The manager view is identical to the user view with one important difference. The manager view is grouped by user, not by document to allow quick retrieval. It then has the additional grouping of document name below each user to show which documents they have sign off on. The manager can of course change the view to other views if they wish to look at the data another way.

End User Permissions

All users of this site require read only permissions (or 'visitors') to this site. This will allow them to read published documents, but not documents in a draft state. The document sign off library requires special permissions to allow users to write to this library, as read only permissions would not allow them to write to this library:


After you have set up and done some testing with your own assumably admin level account, make sure you test all functions with end user permissions as well. This will reveal any permissions configuration issues that have not yet been dealt with that could result in the system not working.

Adding Fields and Further Functionality

This system is built to expand, if you want to add fields for tracking or to the sign off form to support your needs, go ahead! I would certainly recommend first building the system exactly as these instructions indicate, and then add features after you have tested it and have it working.

<- Simple Document Sign Off - Part 7 - Sign Off Workflow

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